Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Twenty Six Things To Do While 26

Today... I am 26.

To celebrate,
I thought of 26 challenges (well mainly challenges) I 
want to create for myself, to complete
before my next birthday. It's
very easy for this to be perceived as a resolution list
 because my birthday nicely coincides
with the new year. 
But it's not. 

Also, this is not in any way related to my bucket list.
My bucket list consists of
things I wants to see and do in my lifetime whereas this list
consists more of challenges I want to complete
in my year of being 26 - DOING.
and of course, LOVING. 
This is just to add a bit of spice to
the year. 

I feel like I have a lot of lists suddenly
surfacing. I plan to make this an 
annual birthday list. 

I will keep track of all all my activites- when and how I
complete them. 

26 does feel old but I've realized that age is 
relative. 26 may seem old to a 10 year old 
but to a 50 or 60 year old, 
26 is very very young.

Age also depends on how you take care of yourself. 

Other fabulous people born in 1987Zac Efron, Hilary Duff,
 (Lil) Bow Wow, 
Snooki, Joss Stone and Ke$ha. 

This year is going to focus on fitness and travel. More exercise and being more 
outgoing.  Stop checking my phone every 2 minutes and 
limit my FB visit to once a day. There is a 
world out there waiting to be explored!! 

1. Read 12 Books and review them. (This does not include no.19)
2. Make and write Christmas cards AND send them. 
3. Go on a road trip. 
4. Take pictures of 26 outfits, randomly.  (26 Pictures)
5. Visit 12 New restaurants / coffee shops. 

6. Have 26 published posts on this new blog. 
7. Have 26 Twitter followers (I currently have 10).  (26 Twitter Followers)
8. Write a post about 26 random facts about myself.  (26 Random Things About Me)
9. Do a 7 day detox. 
10. Do 12 random acts of kindness. At least once a month. (12 Good Deeds)

11. Go to the beach at least 12 times.
12. Host a couch surfer or surf a couch.
13. Spend at least 26 hours volunteering at an NGO close to my heart.
14. Quit (or try to quit) at least 6 bad habits.
15. Save a-rand-a-day in a money/savings tin.

16. Go back to Korea.
17. Eat samgyupsal (BBQ'd pork) for a whole week! (My current record is 3 days straight).
18. Eat 12 things that I have NEVER eaten before.
19. Read the entire Harry Potter Series (this excludes no.1)
20. Stay awake for 26 hours straight.

21. Get some of my photographs framed.
22.  Save R30 000. I currently have about R12 000.
23.  Start a travel fund. Money to be used purely for travelling.
24. Apply for a credit card (to be used only for travel lol)
25. Watch a new film every month for a year.
26.  Drink champagne on a 'normal' day just to celebrate life and happiness.

Follow me on this fun-filled year!!!

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